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Арфа ("Клавишные и щипковые")

Музыкальный воркшоп, 8 December 2024, Sunday
13:00, Музыкальные воркшопы, Открытая филармония
is included for Subscription No6 Г
1 билет рассчитан на посещение 1 ребенка в сопровождении взрослого
Занятия проводятся по адресу Первомайская, 24В
Tickets at the concert finished!

This concert is already over. Please choose something else.

If you are 6 or younger, we can't invite you to an evening concert, sorry! But you are welcome to attend the daytime children's concerts if you are 5 or older and have a separate ticket or subscription. Please ask an adult to accompany you to the auditorium if you are under 12. See you there!