Yuri Favorin (piano)

Yury Favorin was born in Moscow on the 17th of December 1986. Even at infancy he exhibited an extraordinary ability for music (ear and memory). He was six he knew Beethoven's 5th Symphony, Tchaikovsky's 1th and 4th Symphonies distinguished of conductors and performers correctly.At the age of five he began learning the piano and recorder. He was eight when he entered the Gnesin Specialized Musical Primary School in Moscow, where he learned the piano under Professor Lidiya Grigorieva, the clarinet under Professor Ivan Mozgovenko, and the composition under Professor Vladimir Dovgan, a famous russian composer.In 2004 Yury entered the Chaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory to study the piano under Professor Mikhail Voskresensky. He also studied the composition with Karen Khachaturyan and chamber ensemble with Alexander Rudin. Yury graduated from the Conservatory summa cum laude in 2009. Currently, Yury is a postgraduate student at the Moscow State Conservatory. He has taken an active part in numerous musical festivals, such as the Festival “La Folle Journée” in Nantes (France) and in Tokyo (Japan), “Musique en Vallée du Tarn” (France), “L'esprit du piano” in Bordeaux (France), Guangzhou und Beijing (China), International Festival of Saint-Lizier (France), the I.S. Bach Festival, the O. Messiaen Festival, the “Steinway Parade”, Musical Forum “Magic of Piano” (Belarus), Festival “Art November”, and the “Gradus ad Parnassum” Piano Festival in Moscow, the “Moscow Forum” (International Festival for Contemporary Music), “Moscow Autumn”, and International Festival-School “TERRITORIYA”.Together with composer Alexey Sysoev (electronics) and Dmitry Schielkin (percussion) Yury has built the ensemble of free improvisatory music “ERROR 404”

Learn more: http://favorin.ru/biography.html

Interesting from past concerts
Звезды XXI века: Юрий Фаворин
Уральский академический филармонический оркестр, «Петрушка» (21 октября 2016)




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